I’m hoping that you have been enjoying the posts from this years Toy Fair that I have been loading up here on the Chronicles of PiercingKen over the last few days. As I mentioned at the beginning of those narratives, our readers are going to get to enjoy even more from the Toy Fair thanks to this site since I will featuring posts from the companies that don’t fit all that well on the PiercingMetal.com site. This years event was super special because it was going to introduce a new side event that consumers could participate in and bring along the little ones – They called it “Play Fair” and I’m using this post to showcase the highlights. This was the first consumer accessible event connected to Toy Fair that had taken please because remember that Toy Fair is an Industry Only event and not open to the general public. Here we go.
The Play Fair event would run on the Saturday and Sunday on the same days as Toy Fair but was held way on the other side of the Javits Center in the area where we often find Artist Alley taking place during the NY Comic Con. The press attendees were welcome to explore Play Fair at their leisure but on the first day would have an unencumbered hour to browse and meet the vendors that were present. With a laundry list of appointments between Skeleton Pete and myself, we opted for the preview hour. As you can see the space was guarded by a giant Lego Incredible Hulk.
Here’s the space where the masses would soon assemble and everyone was rushing to get ready. It was beyond cold today with temperatures at around 5 degrees but with the wind it was even worse. Hopefully they get the folks lined up outside in the venue quick.
Midtown Comics was the main vendor vendor at the Play Fair and that meant they were the ones selling the merchandise that was observed at a number of the booths at the event. There were event commemorative shirts and as you can see in the photo lots and lots of Funko Pops.
One of the main highlights for me would be the presence of the new Batmobile which we will see in the upcoming big screen feature “Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice”. It really looked awesome and I am hoping that the movie will be just as much so.

The staff allowed the interested press folks to get closer up and take a photo next to the Batmobile so how could I resist something like that.
Here’s a bunch of awesome Mattel offerings under the “DC Superhero Girls” line. These dolls are a perfect collection for the younger lady in your world and honestly anyone who collects dolls or action figures.
There was an activity area with the folks from Toys R Us and not only did they have a stuffed Geoffrey for the attendees (while supplies lasted) but I was told that Geoffrey himself would be present. The ladies were kind enough to let me bring one of these awesome plush Geoffreys home for my cousin’s little girl. Thanks again.
One of the vendors was from AW YEAH COMICS and they had some titles along with a stuffed Action Cat for purchase.
The Folkmanis Puppets people were here and we’re big fans of that stuff. I always see them at the main Toy Fair for sure so keep watching this space for those images when the post about them goes live. Its wonderful stuff.
Now here is a celebrity for the younger set, Mr. Spongebob Squarepants.
This is the one and only Miraculous Ladybug and her sidekick Cat Noir. They are quite the hit among today’s young viewers and I think that’s fantastic since it helps the superhero medium gain more and more fans from an early age. They would be meeting with young fans today as well.
There was a massive area for Lego presentations and interacting with the attendees.
I loved these Lego pens. What an awesome idea to spark additional creativity.
Two of Lego’s Master Builders. Here’s Paul Chrzan and Erik Varszegi on point to showcase some skills.
A Family of Fetts, these Mandalorian Mercs sure do start them off young. That’s Bob and Barbara Fett along with little Biff and Becky 🙂
A statue of The Transformers heroic Autobot Bumblebee was ready for numerous photo ops.
The room was starting to get busier at this point. It was time for the general masses to start browsing and enjoying the day.
There were several notice points around to remind parents how to report any child that had wandered off. Skeleton Pete expresses worry about being lost in a place like the Javits. Don’t worry Pete, you’ll be fine.
That being said I do think that we need to jump into the Batmobile and head over to the main rooms of the Javits for the task at hand.
I think that we’re heading out of here just in time as the masses have arrived.
Now its time to get back to the massive Toy Fair stuff. I’m looking forward to all of my appointments and bringing you the overall scoop so stay tuned for most posts here and of course for a bunch on PiercingMetal.com as well. I hope those who attended had a great time and that they can take a moment to let me know their own thoughts about it in the comments section below. Since these reports get sent to the organizers your input can surely help out with future events. See you soon.
Official Websites:
Play Fair NY: http://www.playfairny.com
Toy Fair: http://www.toyfair.com
Aw Yeah Comics: http://awyeahcomics.com/
Folkmanis Puppets: http://www.folkmanis.com/17/home.htm
Lego: http://www.lego.com/en-us
Mattel: http://play.mattel.com/
Midtown Comics: http://www.midtowncomics.com/
Miraculous Ladybug: http://www.miraculousladybug.com/
Play Fair offered a great afternoon for our 6yo son! There were plenty of hands-on activities throughout the event, and some vendors even offered swag samples (thank you, eitech for the mini erector set! boogerballs! And ogo disc – complete with koosh ball!). The “big name” toys and characters were great – I mean, who doesn’t want a picture with a larger-than-life Ninjago Kai or Hulk?! But the big brands were also balanced with smaller, independent toymakers, food purveyors and publishers. Events were on-going throughtout the weekend – it was challenging to choose a day (quick tip – get there early)! The only thing we wished there was more of would be the new toy reveals happening at the Toy Fair! We can’t wait to go again next year – there really was something for everyone across ages and genres!