Announcing PiercingMetal’s Twelfth Anniversary (2005-2017)

Hello there my dear readers of “The Chronicles”. I’m here today to take a moment of your time and share the news that my Heavy Metal Reviews and Pop Culture website PIERCINGMETAL has achieved its twelfth year of online existence. I know, time flies and I can hardly believe it myself. Longer tenured readers know that we occasionally use this page to redirect you to the other website and since I’ve shared my thoughts on this latest birthday, I will be doing so once more. Just click on the photo to be brought to PiercingMetal for our yearly summary.

As expected, the means to comment on this post have been disabled because its only a signpost. Once you get over to the yearly summary on you can leave your thoughts about what’s come before if you are compelled to do so. I always love seeing what the readers have to say. Also, please give a once over to the Social Networking links down below since they will keep you up to speed on all of that websites activity if you are interested in monitoring what’s coming next. Thanks for the support for these Chronicles and the PiercingMetal website.

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