“All You Need Is MP3’s” The Beatles Are Now On ITunes :)

band logos, the beatles, the beatles logo

Back in 2009 I did a little blog post on my PiercingMetal Musings announcing that the entire catalog of The Beatles was being remastered and released in both Stereo and Mono box sets. Fans that only wanted a few select albums would have the chance to snare those as well and you can refresh your memory HERE if you like.

Well now the big news is that this same catalog is finally available on iTunes and it really was not as timely as people had expected. Its been out on physical CD in the new version for over a year but there was some issues in getting the proper okays to do it in the digital manner. That made me decide to add the new news to the side blog since I was walking down 14th Street and saw that massive billboard on top of the Apple Store for all the world to see. Personally speaking, I prefer The Beatles catalog on CD and not MP3 but that is probably because I no longer have a digital music player.

Official Website: www.thebeatles.com

What’s In A Name? Shutters…..

Please pardon the interruption to your regularly scheduled Internet browsing but I just wanted to share this observation with you since it struck me as kind of odd. The other day I was heading back from the PDN Photo Expo with my good buddy Skeleton Pete and as we headed to the event we noticed how the bar once known as Shutters was now for lack of a better word “shuttered”.

I had never been to the establishment but did find it fascinating at the wordplay. Alright that is all I have for you now. Carry on and thanks for listening.

Happy Halloween 2010 Everybody!!!

Halloween is really one of my favorite times of the year and I think that all of the fun that one can have along with how much creativity people demonstrate in terms of their costumes is what makes me feel this way.  Of course had I said this as a youth I would have likely said the candy was paramount but these days one needs to watch the calories.   Moving along, this year I decided to go through some odd and spooky images and present them to you all in a little Halloween hell-o.  I also captured some ghoulish delights around the city in my wanderings so who knows, perhaps I will make this a yearly thing.  Only time will tell.  These first few photos are from a gig that was happening at B.B. King’s and if memory serves me correctly, this was a show by The Misfits.  Dim the lights, and snuggle close to someone you trust because these characters sure looked scary.  This first ghoul was out to get the patrons of B.B. King’s without question but the wraith would later get a whopping care of Jerry Only and the rest of the band.

Continue reading Happy Halloween 2010 Everybody!!!

PiercingKen Goes To The PDN Photoplus Expo 2010

Today was going to be my first ever time attending the PDN Photoplus Expo at the Javits Center. Even though I have been writing about and photographing the things that interest me for a number of years now, it was only very recently that I decided to delve into the conventions and that is why my PiercingMetal fans have some coverage of the 2010 New York Comic Con on the main site.

Logo - PDN Photo Expo

For those in the unaware, the PDN Photoplus Expo is where all the major companies that deal with photography come to showcase their wares and to make some sales. Its daunting if you are a professional as much as a hobbyist. Trust me on that. So I am here wandering with my buddy Pete Parrella who most of you know as Skeleton Pete and since I am not “on assignment” I was just testing the waters to see what was around. This will mostly be a photographic presentation of the lovely sites and coolness so do please enjoy.

pdn photoplus expo, pdn photoplus expo 2010, photos from pdn photoplus expo 2010

pdn photoplus expo, pdn photoplus expo 2010, photos from pdn photoplus expo 2010
Continue reading PiercingKen Goes To The PDN Photoplus Expo 2010

Nathan Sawaya’s “The Art Of The Brick” Lego Exhibit

Folks who are following the main adventuring over on PiercingMetal.com are very aware of all the coverage that we gave to the NY Comic Con and Anime Festival 2010 which was held over at the Jacob Javits Center.  If you are scratching your head then please allow me to refresh your memory.

We were here…..

nathan sawaya, the art of the brick exhibit, lego sculpture
The Jacob Javits Center

and we were doing a little bit of this….

nathan sawaya, the art of the brick exhibit, lego sculpture
Heavy Metal Comic Book Media Geek Credentials

and while there was a ton of things to broadcast on the main site about this…..

nathan sawaya, the art of the brick exhibit, lego sculpture
Click This Image To See The Comic Con 2010 Adventures

there were some things that bore a little closer examination and were better served up in postings of their own.  One such display was that of sculptor Nathan Sawaya who works with Lego bricks as his medium and calls his line of statues “The Art Of The Brick”.   I took a bunch of photos from the Comic Con showcase but did not manage to get them all.  Check it out. Continue reading Nathan Sawaya’s “The Art Of The Brick” Lego Exhibit