Tag Archives: sonni

“Music Machine” by Sonni (6/16/2012)

I was on my way to the Gramercy Theatre to see a Hard Rock show this evening and had just left the Nice Guy Eddie’s bar for the very last time. Sadly, the establishment was set to close on 6/17/12 but you can read my lament on a different blog posting. As I walked up East 1st Street heading toward the subway on Bleecker Street, I chanced upon this group of sidewalk murals on Extra Place. The painting was a body of work called the “Music Machine” and it was done by graphic artist Sonni, an Argentinian born talent who does very colorful and playful designs. I took a quick snap from as best a vantage point as I could so you could all enjoy this as well. There were six sections to this mural.

To see this in living color for yourself, you want to walk up East 1st Street between 2nd Avenue and Bowery and stop somewhere in the center at the region known as Extra Place. Just bear in mind that I don’t know how long the piece will be there to appreciate so time is very likely of the essence. I had to say that I was glad to have passed this today because it just strengthens the belief that you never know what you will see at any given moment in New York City. Man how I love this city. It’s always so mentally stimulating and gets those ideas flowing. That’s all I have for now, stay tuned for more stuff as we come across it.