Tag Archives: toy association of america

PiercingKen Goes To American International Toy Fair 2017

Hello readers!!! I’m happy to report that this entertainment outlet of mine was once again attending the American International Toy Fair at the Jacob Javits Center in NYC. It’s our seventh year of attendance and the plan is to offer up as many sights and scenes as possible on both the PiercingMetal.com and PiercingKen.com websites.

toy fair 2017, american international toy fair 2017

As you read this I am recharging the mental and physical self along with all of the technological implements that were brought along on the adventure. There is much more to document and photograph over the coming three days and when the postings begin to run on the websites, you are going to be seeing a lot of them. Interested readers don’t have to wait until that time though and can get a sneak peak into the observations by clicking over onto our Official Instagram link HERE. Be sure to give a follow to that account and check back often to see the latest stuff that gets posted. Over the next few days you will be seeing focused posts like we did last year so stay tuned and check back onto THIS LINK (as its tagged for the event). It will populate with the most recently added items. See you soon.

PS: To see any of the American International Toy Fair 2017 posts on PiercingMetal.com click HERE as that will transport you over to the site and a succinct tag.