Category Archives: Features

There’s A New Venue In Town: Introducing Stage 48!!!

Every now and again I like to use the blogsite to inform our readers about something that I think was super cool and informative and had been written exclusively for the PiercingMetal Official Blog. That being said, I just took a wander with my good buddy Skeleton Pete to a place called “Stage 48” which is a new venue opening up in NYC in full towards the end of March. Clicking the venue name below will transport you to PiercingMetal Musings where you can enjoy the narrative.

stage 48

Comments are locked on this post but you can surely leave us your opinions about the new venue space over on PiercingMetal Musings as that has been left open for you to do so once you have finished reading. As a frequent NYC concert goer, I am very excited about a new place to enjoy some killer bands and you can count on reports being done for shows over there for sure.

Official Website:

Hungry, Hungry…….Toilets?

I realize that the title of this post was a bit strange but recently while at a restaurant and using their facilities to wash up. As one often finds in restrooms, there was a polite request to not throw paper towels or feminine products down the toilet but this one came with a really bizarre drawing. Take a look. This is one hungry looking toilet. Do you agree?


My apologies for the crappy image and wow, also very bad pun it would seem, but I didn’t have a lot of time to snare the best possible shot. I just wanted to make sure I secured something, anything that would allow me to share it with you. That is all for now, see you very soon.

Happy 100th Anniversary Grand Central Station

According to what I am hearing, it was 100 years ago today that Grand Central Terminal first opened its doors to the general public an with that being the case I wanted to post a couple of photos that I have taken to raise a glass.

Continue reading Happy 100th Anniversary Grand Central Station

Happy 40th Anniversary to KISS!!!! (1/30/1973-1/30/2013)

kiss logo

While I know that I sometimes refer PiercingKen readers to the PiercingMetal Site and Blog depending upon the situation, this is the first time that I have done a related post of its own but this one is very special to me. Today is the 40th Anniversary of the band KISS. Well, technically the first time that they ever appeared live in public under this name so I guess when it all comes down to it this is the real anniversary of the band. They’re my favorite band of them all and I wanted to give them a little toast over on my side site as well.

vynl, kiss action figures

The photograph above comes from the restaurant Vynl in NYC who had the Todd McFarlane series of action figures on their wall and I felt that this was the perfect time to use the shot. You can read more about my thoughts about KISS related music and items over on PiercingMetal via THIS LINK. There is a lot of KISS stuff over there. Trust me. So anyway, even though the original lineup is no longer what KISS is composed of, I wish a hearty congratulations to Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss for a job well done and for inspiring many levels of creativity in millions of fans. Thanks a lot.

Official Website:

Spider-Man Riding Shotgun?

It would seem that between movies, the one and only Amazing Spider-Man is helping out the lonely delivery guys of the world by riding shotgun as they make their rounds. Clearly this is a dangerous task, as its already cost the web-spinner his left arm. Don’t worry it will grow back, oh wait, that was the Lizard. Sorry my bad on that one (snicker).


Here’s a better shot of our bicycle riding super hero for those wanting a different visual. It’s not in the worst of shape outside of the missing arm of course but that was likely due to the limited flexibility of this particular figure. As you can see there are not too many points of articulation. Yes my friends I know about this stuff and geek out to the toys so please indulge me. Moving on, I did think it was cool to see this as I wandered the region around our Blogging HQ. I actually had carried a small Spider-Man ornament on a drumstick bag and have two smaller scale figures of Spidey sitting at my computer desk. It seems he and Batman are two of the most popular heroes in many people’s eyes.


Now to think on this a little bit, while I am certain that this was one of the larger scale Toy Biz Spider-Man figures, I cannot determine when it actually came out or what else was in the line. It’s probably a late 90’s figure since at the time TB was making characters with almost reckless abandon. If you know more, our comments are open for you to share with the rest of us.