PiercingMetal Goes To NY Comic Con 2014

Hey there readers. I just wanted to let you know that the adventures that I undertook at the 2014 NY Comic Con have begun being posted over on my PiercingMetal.com site. Since there are readers of the Piercing Ken blog that might enjoy that kind of stuff I like using this space as the occasional traffic sign. Just click the logo below to be transported to the other website and by all means enjoy. I think that there will end up being about ten individual chapters when it all comes down to it. It all depends on how many photos I take each day and how they are spaced out across chapters.

Logo - NY Comic Con - 2014

I’ve disabled the means to comment on this announcement post but encourage those with interest in adding thoughts to please do so on the posts that reside on PiercingMetal.com – Thanks a lot. See you next time.

Official Website: http://nycomiccon.com

Happy National Coffee Day (9/29/2014)

While still surfing the web at 12:45AM I learned that today was actually National Coffee Day, and given my absolute love for the beverage I wanted to post a little something for you about it. The show below is actually from the previous mornings coffee in my Batman cup. This might be a Neal Adams rendition of the Caped Crusader but I admit that I have never looked that closely at the cup. Since it was also the 75th Anniversary of Batman this year I felt that this worked best as an opening shot.

Continue reading Happy National Coffee Day (9/29/2014)

Riding The Rails: The Hudson Ones

I’ve been meaning to share this little group of films for a few months now but somehow it just got by me. Of course, the delay made this a little better at the end of the day and here is why. The origin of the clips comes from my couple of times a year journey upstate to see friends and to get up there I take the Hudson River line train and get to enjoy its wonderful visuals (depending on the day of course). The last time that I headed up there I decided to snag some clips on the trip back to the Big Apple. I had done a few moments of video between each train station stop for about three stops.

Now instead of loading up four separate videos and adding each of those in, I used Microsoft Movie Maker to tie them together for one hopefully enjoyable experience. I think the next time that I head up this way I will capture these visuals “on the way” there and do breaks between stations like this. The software allows me to easily tie them together so let’s see what happens when I attempt that. Stay tuned and until next time have a nice day.

Happy National Comic Book Day (9/25/2014)

Logo - National Comic Book Day

Hey my fine readers, today is actually “National Comic Book Day” and while this is far different from “Free Comic Book Day”, you will still be able to find discounts at your participating comic book retailer in their brick and mortar or online shops. I just wanted to get a quick post out to you because I’ve been a diehard fan of the medium for many years. Below is a mix of titles that I snagged at both Comic Con and the aforementioned Free Comic Book Day.

Continue reading Happy National Comic Book Day (9/25/2014)

Shadow’s “Lucky 13th” Birthday (9-24-2014)

Back in early 2002 I rescued a sweet black cat from the streets that had been hanging around my parents backyard. I had planned to keep her only a few days and put her up for adoption but she was so friendly and sweet, I decided to keep her. A quick visit to the veterinarian found her not only “about” six months old but also pregnant with kittens. I factored my date of rescue and the six months which means that around this time would be her birthday and that makes this black cat thirteen years old. A very lucky 13 for sure.


I named her “Shadow” and she is still here with me twelve and a half years later and of course a very big part of my personal world. I let her enjoy her “birthday” with as much sleep as she wanted along with extra food and treats for being good. She seems to be enjoying this process. I don’t put as much cat stuff on the personal site but I will try to do more of that since this is the everything else in my day kind of site. That being said, “Happy Birthday Shadow Girl”.