Hello my friends, I am happy to be blogging today in celebration about it being my beloved black cat Spooke’s Seventeenth birthday. As I’ve noted before, she was born in my first apartment over on Fort Hamilton Parkway and has been a part of my household ever since. She was the offspring of my still very much missed Momma cat Shadow who I lost in 2015. Spooke was initially kept to keep her mother company and she has not really lost any of her amazingly pleasant disposition. I’ll repeat myself from last year with the notion on how awesome it is to have had her for so long and its just amazing to know her actual birthday. Shadow had her kittens way back when on a night when I went to see the band Power Windows over at Peggy O’Neill’s bar not far from my house. When I arrived home at holy mackerel o’clock in the morning, there were kittens in the box with her. This photo below was Spooke just a short while ago. She’s pretty much adopted this part of the couch since I usually go there and I get meowed at when I am there and she wants it.

For the annual photo I didn’t have many ideas on what to do and I had envisioned something with several cards with some kind of cat themed dialogue but the idea was gone before I could figure something cool out. That made me just doodle a “17” and position it behind her on this spot. As you can see, she was not amused by my jostling about and calling her attention to the camera for the shot. While she is seventeen in people years, in cat she is actually 85 so she is very senior and allowed a little bit of cranky if she deems it necessary. Though still very talkative to me, she is slowing down a little bit and doesn’t bolt around the apartment as much as she once did. That’s fine because at times she was a blur when she did that. One of her favorite things to do is look at the laptop screen while I am typing away and just lazing on my shoulder while doing this. I need to snap a shot of that and add it into this post. I can add that she’s gotten to hear more Metal and Hard Rock than most of my friends give a chance to but don’t worry I am not blasting it too loud here since I have to focus on it for articles and absorb any subtlties. Don’t worry about her though because when she finds too much noise being the case in the living room she retreats to the bedroom and takes that over. That is where the next shot came from. As I’m posting this in the afternoon I can say that Spooke has already eaten some of her favorite food and she remains a crazy for gravy cat so I tend to buy those from the market more than the others. She will also get a few extra treats for the day as time progresses for being good.

Of course in these days of everything being showcased on Instagram, or as The Influencers would say “The Gram”, I gave Spooke her moment in the spotlight. This shot was taken yesterday before I went off to a couple of functions. We hope that you click the “<3" on the image since she deserves it.
Thanks again for listening, I hope that all of you readers with furry babies are spoiling yours as well when they have birthdays or anniversaries to being yours since they are so important to our daily life. Spooke means the world to me and I love her very much and tell her this every day. I like to think that after 17 years that she understands.
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