Tag Archives: bookfest 2021

Breaking News: Announcing Edelweiss BookFest

Back in April, ReedPOP announced the cancellation of the annual Book Expo and The Book Con, Unbound events. As a longtime attendee, I documented the news HERE for those who missed it. Today, Edelweiss, the leader in book industry technology has announced an event of their own in the Edelweiss Bookfest. Read on.

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The Press Release:
Ann Arbor, MI – Edelweiss by Above the Treeline announced the launch of Edelweiss BookFest, a virtual event designed to create a gathering place for all members of the book publishing industry. The pandemic disrupted the normal schedule of events that have typically served book publishers and buyers.

The new online Edelweiss BookFest event will take place June 8-9, 2021. Preliminary education tracks will include: New Title Discovery, Retail Bookselling, Library Best Practices, and a special track on revenue generation in the evolving pandemic period. Edelweiss BookFest will consist of virtual booths for attendees to visit that will enable live conversations, videos, and downloadable tools for sales and marketing.
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