Tag Archives: toy insider

Unboxing The Toy Insider “Sweet Suite” 2016 Schwag Box

Over the summer I attended my first-ever “Sweet Suite” which is an event that is set up by the fine folks at Toy Insider.  I had met them at this years American International Toy Fair thanks to our good friend in media Mr. Skeleton Pete. Shortly after the event, this massive box arrived and I figured it would be fun to do one of those “unboxing” posts, even though I know this stuff is better suited for a YouTube.com channel.  I opted to use the Chronicles of Piercing Ken for this post based on the event and the contents of said box being more suited to my folks with kids readership so here we go.

sweet suite 2016

Okay so before I begin I will stress that this is NOT all of the stuff that was in the box. It was massive as you can see and packed to the brim. No complaints on that at all so here we go with something adorable called “Twozies”. They come care of the makers of Shopkins.

sweet suite 2016
Continue reading Unboxing The Toy Insider “Sweet Suite” 2016 Schwag Box

Scenes From “Blogger Bash” 2016; Chapter 2

Hello again my friends and welcome back to my presentation from the 2016 “Blogger Bash”. This was my first go at the conference and was so far a very interesting experience. If you didn’t see Chapter 1 just click on THIS LINK to rectify that as there is no rush in reading any of these posts. I thought that I would end up with three unique posts from the event but as it turns out this will be the final installment. Take your time, stay awhile.

blogger bash 2016

The folks at the Speck Products table had some cool cases for the iPhone but I am using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 so this doesn’t help me. A shame since I would have sported one of their wares immediately had they been able to provide one.

blogger bash 2016

blogger bash 2016
Continue reading Scenes From “Blogger Bash” 2016; Chapter 2

Scenes From “Blogger Bash” 2016; Chapter 1

For the past few days I’ve been sharing my findings from an event known as “Sweet Suite” which is organized by the Toy Insider folks and part of a larger conference called “Blogger Bash”. If you are just now discovering this website, I’d love for you to see the “Sweet Suite” posts and you can do that by clicking on THIS LINK. When invited to the Blogger Bash part of the conference I gladly said “sure” but what exactly was this all about? I’ve pasted the overall goal down below for you to educate yourself.

“Blogger Bash is a conference designed for experienced digital influencers. Whether your influence is on your personal blog, YouTube channel, or social channels, we want to help grow your impact. If you’re looking to meet with some of the biggest brands as well as discover unique new products, join us! Blogger Bash will also feature some light learning experiences, and it’s a great place to grow your network. At Blogger Bash, you’ll make new connections, expand your community, and strengthen your voice.”

blogger bash 2016

As you might have expected, this conference would also be on the Cornucopia Majesty yacht that we were all on yesterday. All of the toy representatives had left and in their place would be a slew of other interesting companies. I couldn’t resist sharing a couple of pics of this beautiful boat.

blogger bash 2016

My badge from “Sweet Suite” was going to work out for this event as well so there was no time wasted at the check in area.  It was just get back on the boat and start exploring.

blogger bash 2016
Continue reading Scenes From “Blogger Bash” 2016; Chapter 1

Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 4

Hey there once again my readers, you’ve safely arrived at the fourth and final chapter of my “Sweet Suite” 2016 event coverage.  This super cool event was only a few hours in length and a part of the larger Blogger Bash that was happening on the Cornucopia Majesty yacht on Pier 81.  As I’ve mentioned before, its all done under the guidance of the Toy Insider people and it was my first time attending.  To see the previous chapters please click on THIS LINK before continuing as it will bring you up to speed.  I’m going to continue along with where I left off in the previous chapter with the Playmates Toys offerings and their wonderful “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” license.

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

This looked cute and its called “Splashlings”.  The premise is “an ocean full of friends”.  That sounds nice doesn’t it?  Let’s look.

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider
Continue reading Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 4

Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 3

Welcome back to my continued presentations from the “Sweet Suite” 2016 event that was recently held as a part of the Blogger Bash on the Cornucopia Majesty yacht on Pier 81. The whole thing is under the mindful eyes of the Toy Insider people and if you’d like to see the previous chapters please click on THIS LINK before continuing as it will bring you up to speed.  I’m up to Chapter Three of the bunch and will continue where I left off with the images.  There were a lot of awesome properties to examine and I’ll chime in as necessary.

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

Is it just me or does this “Animal Jam” character remind you of Paul Stanley of KISS.  Sure the star is on the wrong side but isn’t that a clever thing that they did here?  I think so.

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider
Continue reading Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 3