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Unboxing The “Sweet Suite at Home” 2021 Swag Box

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It was only a few weeks ago that I attended the second-ever “Sweet Suite @ Home” which is the virtual offshoot of the Toy Insider’s popular toy industry event the “Sweet Suite”. Click the hyperlinked text for the coverage piece. With the pandemic still causing issues with larger public gatherings, the folks at the Insider determined that it was best to do this virtually one more time. This event was preceded by the first “Holiday of Play @ Home”. When the event has passed, the participants are sent a gift box and with unboxing clips a hot practice these days I have offered up thoughts and a bit more as I unbox the goodies for our Official YouTube Channel. Take a look.

Piercing Ken Thoughts: So there you have it, a whole lot of cool stuff and items that I hope you were making some notes about for your own shopping lists. I have to say that I enjoy doing these kinds of clips and if I end up at their “Holiday of Play” event in the coming months that I will do another one. I hope I can work it out because it will not be virtual and is instead back to being an in-person affair. There are so many people that I miss from this group and the vendors that it will be some proper medicine for sure. That’s all I have to say about this so I will see you next time around. Keep safe out there since this isn’t over by a long shot.


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