White Label World Expo Pushes August 2023 Event To May 2024

white label world expo, convention logos

The Statement:
Good morning, We just wanted to let you know of an important update; the show has been rescheduled from August 29th & 30th to now take place on May 30th & 31st 2024 at the Javits Center, New York.

With the show’s best interest as a priority and the success of our visitors and exhibitors, we feel this is the right thing to do. By running the White Label World Expo in May 2024, we are bringing you a much bigger and better edition of the show, with double the solutions, innovations and features for yourself to immerse into, bringing you even more success for your business.

We cannot wait to welcome you at the event in May, to share with you all the latest innovations in the industry, tips and tricks for your business and predictions for 2024/25.

Secure your place and get your ticket here!

Kind regards,

The White Label World Expo Team

*** end of transmission ***

Piercing Ken Thoughts: Truth be told, while I had attended this show a couple of times over the past few years, it was not one that I came back with much content from when compared to the stuff that I get at recent NY NOW and Shoppe Object events. Nothing against the show of course as I am speaking as someone who is serving up the content for the readers of this website. I am quite surprised that this news hit my email inbox on the first day that it was originally supposed to take place. Upon further research it seemed that they came to this conclusion on July 4th but this is the first time I knew of it based on a super busy summer of events and real life work efforts. Generally speaking, it makes more sense to send your mailing list this kind of news as soon as its decided upon but I digress. It’s too early for me to know if I will looking to attend the next go-round as these things all depend on what is happening for the PiercingMetal side of the fence. I’ll suggest that anyone interested in this one stick to their website to see what the next go round will be like and of course watch our Regional Calendar for any updated or last minute listing changes. See you next time.

Official: https://www.whitelabelworldexpo.com/

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