Tag Archives: tumblr

PiercingMetal’s Tumblr Turned “9” Today!

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Hey there my readers of “The Chronicles”, I’m taking a moment out of the day to share some cool news with you all about my PiercingMetal.com side of the fence. You might already know that the website is now more than thirteen years old after celebrating its online anniversary this past April but did you know that the Tumblr microblogging account that we use is nine years old? Well it is and I’ll share more about this down below the photo.

Before you ask why we are talking about something dedicated to the Metal and Geek site here on “The Chronicles”, the newbies to our offerings should know that this kind of thing is par for the course over here. Not only do I like to serve up interesting content to you with this outlet, but I also like to bring you more into the creative process that is involved in being a web-based member of the press. When my brand started to build up a little steam it made sense to lock out the identity on other mediums. This is why we have a focused Twitter, Instagram and YouTube as well. Our Tumblr is pretty straightforward and only serves as a feed to the content found on the main website. The good thing is that it often picks up a site graphic and the tags which makes it easier to be found. When readers find something they like they need to click the link and go over to the main website so I am not losing traffic at all. At the time of this announcement there are about 3000 posts over there and that’s cool. At the end of the day it helps with website outreach and there are times when I will share notable things from “The Chronicles” there as well. The link is below if you use the medium and enjoy PiercingMetal. These days you can’t trust that Facebook will find you alerted to newness so you will definitely see it there. Thanks for listening and now we return to the regularly scheduled narratives. See you again soon.

Update 10/1/2020: Since the time of this announcement, the PiercingMetal Tumblr has been rebranded as the Ken Pierce Media Tumblr and all links now reflect this change. This rebranding makes it all the more comprehensive and entertaining going forward.

Official Website: http://www.tumblr.com
Official PiercingMetal Ken Pierce Media Tumblr: http://www.kenpiercemedia.tumblr.com

Update: Running Down The Website Social Networks

Recently, I was reading one of the many other music blogs out there .and they were lining out what social networks they recommend be used by bands that are currently trying to raise awareness about their existence. Let’s face it, there are a ton of groups and this was a great idea to see being done. Truth be told, a website is like a band as well because one must employ the same tools in order to help raise the brand profile and keep up with the Jones’. With that in mind, I felt it was a good time to revisit the whole crop of items being used by “The Chronicles” with a quick summary about it. This is our current main page and its theme with the latest posting. Oh yeah and outside of this image, if you click any of the photos you will be brought to that network.

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Since it’s now the BIGGEST of the Social Networks ever, I should start with the Official Facebook Page for “The Chronicles”. Facebook became the Big Kahuna for all things social a few years ago and as result its made NUMEROUS changes to the dynamic. We’ve had an official account for years and its those who “like” it help to keep it flourishing. It’s free to have but unless you pay for advertisements or to “increase reach” of the posts you might as well be invisible. These days those who legitimately support our activities here have reported they never see our posts and its probably based on the two-step methodology of being seen. Fans have to not only “like” said page but also select “see first” when they do so. Otherwise we fall far behind all of those friends who argue politics with everyone else on your feed. I used to let the posts go there automatically upon their go live moment, but have since adopted the method of embedding them one by one so the assorted pages that they might relate to get tagged as well. It’s more work sure but its proven effective. Be sure to check this one out for sure.

social networks, facebook, facebook pages
Official Facebook Page

Continue reading Update: Running Down The Website Social Networks

Hitting “2000 Posts” With Tumblr; A Personal Record :)

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Hey there readers, this is just a little sharing of some fun news that I received about one of the Social Networks that I use to better broadcast all this entertainment media stuff to you with. Apparently I’ve reached “2000” posts in the Tumblr account for PiercingMetal.com and if you are wondering why I am saying this here on PiercingKen as opposed to the other website, well there is a method to my madness 🙂

Click Image For Our “Tumblr” 🙂

For the longest time I was using the PiercingMetal Tumblr account as a feeder of that websites posts and its Twitter account but over the last year I have integrated this lifestyle blog into it as well to allow me to showcase our adventures in the real world that get documented here. Also, since I am loving the Instagram medium for both sites, there are times when images will get broadcast on the Tumblr account as well. Those accounts are really two sides of the same creative coin so I hope you are checking them out once in awhile. It’s all 100% original stuff and not other peoples images or photos like some other websites like to do. Sadly I have to close this post up as there is a mountain of things to do on both of the mediums along with the mandatory social networking so let me say “thanks” if you are one of the folks that follows the account or at least reads it from time to time. With all the myriad of outlets currently online I’m very appreciative of every single click. See you soon. KP

Update 10/1/2020: Since the time of this announcement, the PiercingMetal Tumblr has been rebranded as the Ken Pierce Media Tumblr and all links now reflect this change. This rebranding makes it all the more comprehensive and entertaining going forward.

Official Link: http://www.tumblr.com
Official KPM Tumblr: https://kenpiercemedia.tumblr.com