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“The Chronicles” Celebrates 3rd Anniversary of Branded YouTube Channel

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Hello my friends and welcome to what I believe to be another awesome milestone for “The Chronicles” brand. I wanted to take a quick moment out of your day to let you know that today marks the Third Anniversary of the Official Branded YouTube Channel for “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” website. I’ve often mentioned that despite the website itself being around for a few years, we never approached a YouTube Channel for it until only a few short years ago. This year, the Piercing Ken website achieved its own 13th Year which you can learn about by clicking HERE if you’ve some interest in the background but let’s stay on topic with the Channel Anniversary. At that point in 2020, the pandemic was in full-sway when I realized how I should finally launch a Piercing Ken Channel and after some reworking of older ideas along with some new ones we were on our way. Waiting that long wasn’t really the best course of action but truth be told, “The Chronicles” wasn’t a professional voice until late in 2016 when I began attending the events held by The Toy Insider. Before continuing along, let’s raise it up for the video clip with the most views on the Channel. It was fashion related and came from the Style X event that I attended a few times.

With the Channel finally online, the goal was to populate it in the way that it made most sense and as I mention in the very first video that I did here, a lot of the clips that sit on my Personal Ken Pierce Channel, were items that should have lived on a Piercing Ken Channel had it existed when they were first recorded. After reformatting and reuploading a few dozen videos from the personal space the Channel began to grow slowly but surely. Nothing was going “viral” per se but we were building up an audience and viewership which is what you want to see happening as time goes on. The videos that I redid for Piercing Ken were then removed from the personal channel to avoid any copyright strikes. I sure didn’t want to cause my own account issues and we don’t post anything here that isn’t supposed to be on the Channel. Let’s continue with the remaining “Top 5” clips on the Channel. Over the last year the Shorts initiative has grown very popular and I try to do those whenever possible to aid with the Channel growth. Sometimes it works better than others but either way I like doing them.

I just mentioned how the Shorts initiative seems to be growing and growing here on YouTube as an overall thing and getting used to doing them takes a bit of practice since they are limited to only one minute. I am sure that this is their means of competing directly with the likes of TikTok (which we use under Ken Pierce Media BTW) and the Instagram Reels (which I use for both this and the PiercingMetal website) and that’s fine by me. I find doing these with food pieces to be the most fun and while I am not limited to that I also do them for shout outs if I am hitting a particular trade show or teasing the coming of a much longer video. Since I wanted to feature the full “Top 10” viewed clips I will continue along with those next five before wrapping this little announcement post up. I want to close up with some standings that I found to be pretty cool.

At the time of this anniversary writing, this Channel continues to grow and has “242” subscribers. Last year we had “109” so that is some cool growth IMHO. We also had a mere “27K” views and yesterday it surpassed “76K” which is kinda awesome. Since nothing has really gone viral for us this remains more of a marathon than a spring but that is okay because the content keeps on being added with every single trade show or art expo that I find myself attending. I just scheduled my 415th video which isn’t bad for a channel that had nothing on the day it debuted. I rarely focus on my own views here and mostly am focused on those who I am talking to be they artists or company founders etc. Remember that one needs more than 1K subscribers and 4K watch hours to be monetized and we are really far away from that despite trying. If you’re already helping support this side of the fence I thank you and hope to keep you engaged. Please make sure that you are clicking the heart on the videos since that helps with the engagement and by all means leave a topical comment because that encourages more back and forth. I wouldn’t soapbox or rant and rave because those kinds of comments get flagged and not approved. You’d be wasting your time even doing them.

Wrapping up I can say that new videos are currently set to premiere until mid-December and that is before I have formatted my recent Affordable Art Fair videos and the next couple of conventions. Help us out by subscribing by clicking HERE and we hope to keep you inspired going forward.


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