Tag Archives: youtube channels

The Piercing Ken Official YouTube Channel Surpasses 100,000 Views

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Hello my friends, I’m here to share a little bit of the coolness that’s been brewing in the Media Command HQ insofar as it applies to the Official YouTube Channel for the Piercing Ken website. It was only a short time ago that I was alerted about the Channel having surpassed 100K Views since its debut in September 2020. The launch of this Channel was very overdue as the Piercing Ken website has been online since 2010 and became a professional voice in 2016. It wasn’t until the scourge of the pandemic found so many of us stuck at home and thinking outside the box and boom here we went. Since its debut I’ve been steadily loading up content and according to the administration panel, there has been a brand-new video every other day since February of 2023. The clip that moved the counter past the 100K marck was actually a Short that I recorded only days ago at the NY NOW Trade Show. It’s embedded right below for your consumption.

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Piercing Ken’s Official YouTube Channel Uploads 500th Video

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Hey there my fine readers, it’s once again time to share some of the behind the scenes coolness that is happening over on one of the networks that is connected to the Piercing Ken framework. So I’ve already pointed out how I like to shine the spotlight on special events and milestones when it comes to brand when I recently achieved something for the PiercingMetal website and since “The Chronicles” is of equal importance to me as a content creator I was pretty stoked to notice this. It’s no secret that I have been posting quite a few clips onto our YouTube Channels of late and when I finished uploading my most recent video, I saw the counter turn to “500”. Now I mentioned over on PM that I have been using the free version of the VidIQ service and when you hit a particular milestone they send you a nifty graphic that you can share along on your social media platforms. Since Piercing Ken isn’t signed up for that service I won’t get an alert or the graphic. So what I did for the purpose of this announcement was to edit what I needed from the PiercingMetal Channel news and use it here down below. I am fairly stoked to talk to you about uploading 500 videos on “The Chronicles” of Piercing Ken’s Official YouTube Channel.

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“The Chronicles” Celebrates 3rd Anniversary of Branded YouTube Channel

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Hello my friends and welcome to what I believe to be another awesome milestone for “The Chronicles” brand. I wanted to take a quick moment out of your day to let you know that today marks the Third Anniversary of the Official Branded YouTube Channel for “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” website. I’ve often mentioned that despite the website itself being around for a few years, we never approached a YouTube Channel for it until only a few short years ago. This year, the Piercing Ken website achieved its own 13th Year which you can learn about by clicking HERE if you’ve some interest in the background but let’s stay on topic with the Channel Anniversary. At that point in 2020, the pandemic was in full-sway when I realized how I should finally launch a Piercing Ken Channel and after some reworking of older ideas along with some new ones we were on our way. Waiting that long wasn’t really the best course of action but truth be told, “The Chronicles” wasn’t a professional voice until late in 2016 when I began attending the events held by The Toy Insider. Before continuing along, let’s raise it up for the video clip with the most views on the Channel. It was fashion related and came from the Style X event that I attended a few times.

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“The Chronicles” Celebrate 2nd Anniversary Of Branded YouTube Channel

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Greetings my Readers and those who’ve just chanced upon this little home on the web. I’m taking a moment out of the already busy day to share another announcement about our creative endeavors. Today is the Second Anniversary of the Official Branded YouTube Channel for “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” website. Now you might be wondering how its only year two for that after reaching the websites own 12th Anniversary this past May. If you want to learn about that anniversary milestone you can click HERE ICYMI but the main reason for such a delay was simply that I just kept putting it off and was “okay” with any videos done with this branding being posted on my original Kenny Pierce personal channel. This was truly not the best course of action.

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“The Chronicles” of Piercing Ken Celebrate’s First Anniversary of Official YouTube Channel

It was a year ago today that I announced to our readership that I had finally pulled the trigger and created an Official Branded Channel for “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” website but if you missed that announcement post, I invite you to check it out by clicking HERE to be more up to speed on it all. The creation of the Channel was a long overdue agenda item and one that I was glad to finally tackle to help out the editorial face of the Piercing Ken website. Since that announcement a total of “58” videos have been posted on the Channel and the latest one was published at the beginning of September when we shared the contents of the “Sweet Suite @ Home” Swag Box. The Sweet Suite is an annual event that we attend care of our friends at the Toy Insider.

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