“The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” Celebrates 12th Anniversary (2010-2022)

Greetings friends and I hope you are having a “Happy Sunday” so far since it’s only just beginning. The weather forecast is for “HOT” but oddly not as sweltering as yesterday was but if you do head out into the outside for any reason maybe bring a bottle of water with you and stick to the shady areas. So with that being said you should know that I don’t do these side posts to give you a weather forecast and I am here instead to share some cool news about this being the 12th Anniversary of “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken” Lifestyle Blog. As many of you know it simply as “Piercing Ken” based on its social media profiles. So here we are…still publishing on a pretty regular basis and with a pandemic not quite completely in our rear view mirror as of yet. Mind you its much different than it was during 2021 and 2020 but its still here so please be cautious. Now a little about twelve years, let’s recap a bit.

piercing ken, piercing ken anniversary, the chronicles of piercing ken

I’ve already said how the creation of a lifestyle site like this was not intended to be a professional voice but after getting some big public shows and exhibits posted that I went to on my own dime, the realization dawned on me to utilize this website as a broader means of entertainment than I could do with PiercingMetal. That side of the fence needed to remain a Metal and Hard Rock review site with a really heavy Pop Culture side to it since we loved comic books, superhero movies and giant monster stuff. It was easy to flip the switch and call it a professional voice as content had existed on the site for about five years by the time this was decided. We knew enough reps to keep us in information and then it was onto publishing more and more content on a couple of times a week basis. The thing that’s changed more about this since the pandemic paid us a visit was that more news items and press releases are shared than I ever wanted to do but hey if it kept you inside during a time when you shouldn’t be outside then great. Some of the categories mirror the PiercingMetal ones because this is the other side of the same coin but the Pop Culture stuff is more family friendly and the music tours are not at all Metal ones and so it goes. Creatively speaking we are just shy of the 1400th post and have achieved some 220K Pages Viewed for this calendar year. It’s a different kind of busy on this website and while I was further along last year think all sites took a hit during the pandemic. That being said I am glad that events have been coming back and I’ve a bunch to post about for you.

As said quite a few times everywhere, “The Chronicles” maintains a presence on all of the major social media services of the day and we use them often but not enough to be annoying. The two that need the most help are the Facebook Page and the Twitter profile as there isn’t enough traction on them. If you aren’t following those two accounts please know that it helps in the numbers game. The promising areas are the Instagram and the YouTube Channel. I’m using both of those a lot more than every expected so the links will all be down below for your participation. Remember that its more than just clicking “Follow” and never coming back. We’d love you to engage and leave comments or share the links with your like-minded friends. If you don’t do that the algorithms that this stuff follows doesn’t think you are interested and it shows you other things. We can’t have that at all. I’ll be adding a post to Gram and doing a YouTube clip but that last one might not get done until tomorrow based on time constraints.

Thank you so very much for the continued support and attention over these last twelve years. I’d be lying if I said that I knew what was coming next for the readers since I don’t follow any kind of a rigid format. This is free form entertainment outlet but you won’t be hearing me say “just you wait and see” and then nothing happens that’s for sure. The idea databank is compiling information as I close this out. For our worldwide visitorship I end with “Kiitos”, “Gracias”, “Merci”, “Arigato”, “Shukran”, “Danke”, “Toda”, “Efharisto”, “Grazie”, Spasibo” and “Takk”.

Shameless Plug: PiercingMetal’s 17th Anniversary Post Can Be Found HERE

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