Category Archives: Features

Checking Out The Pop-Up Car Show (9/12/14)

One of the things that you will find me saying rather often with this particular blog site is how its a wise idea to pay attention to the sights and scenes around you each day because its always possible that something you see will bring you a smile to your face or give you an idea for a blog posting. That said, when I went out to buy a copy of “Captain America The Winter Soldier” at the local Best Buy, we chanced upon a Car Show of some kind set up in the Ceasar’s Bay parking lot. I took a whole mess of photos that I am sharing with you now in this narrative but bear in mind that I am not a car expert so cannot identify anything here but do please enjoy the offerings.


Continue reading Checking Out The Pop-Up Car Show (9/12/14)

Happy National Cheeseburger Day 2014

I have to apologize for learning about today being “National Cheeseburger Day” so late, but for those readers in the city that never sleeps you still have plenty of time to indulge and enjoy this day to the fullest.

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Now I will admit that I love me a good cheeseburger and for the most part have found plenty of good ones around the city and beyond while on my PiercingMetal music adventuring or just out with friends. That being said I figured that the best way to honor this special day is to reflect upon several of my favorite spots for a good cheeseburger. If you are following me on you will likely recognize some of the photographs.

I’m starting off with one of the stuffed burgers from The 13th Step. This is one of my favorite pregaming spots when I go to Webster Hall for any of their concerts. When I say stuffed burger, I mean that they literally stuff the toppings inside the meat. This was a jalapeno pepper and cheddar cheeseburger. It had some bite for sure and as you can see is served with tots. You can also opt for sweet potato fries which they do wonderfully.

The 13th Step Stuffed Burger
The 13th Step Stuffed Burger

Continue reading Happy National Cheeseburger Day 2014

Observing Above at Union Street Station in Brooklyn

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The other night I was at a Yelp Elite event which was a whole lot of fun and after that one last beer found myself just missing the train that I needed to get back to my creative command HQ. I didn’t have a book or a decent WiFi signal since I was underground and this is an unconnected station still so the boredom found me looking around and upward toward the artwork above the station name. There was some pretty ornate decoration up there and since I am always with a camera of some kind on my person be it a point and shoot or the mobile phone I decided to walk the platform and snap images of all of the ones I could see on the side of the platform heading to Bay Ridge.

union street, subway station art

Though I didn’t know this at the time, these bits of art were called “CommUnion” and done by Emmett Wigglesworth. Please enjoy the images that I secured.

union street, subway station art
Continue reading Observing Above at Union Street Station in Brooklyn

Social Network Stuff: Foursquare and Swarm

So how many of you kind readers are using Foursquare on your Smart Phone? I’ve been a fan of this little application for a few years now and for those new to the idea, it very simply lets you “check in” to the spot you are at and potentially connect with friends who are doing the same thing at said spot or nearby.

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For me this has been fun at the shows especially and what I liked about it was the ability to let it go to Facebook or Twitter at my own choice as opposed to checking in on Facebook and having the whole world of my “Friends” see my activity when I might not really want that to be the case. I’ve chosen to not really govern my time by Facebook’s rules so I enjoy the side things that let me skate the periphery of using it whenever possible. Anyway, so not long ago when I launched Foursquare to check in at Duke’s (a place I go to quite a bit depending on the shows), I was instructed to download something called “Swarm” which was going to be how we checked in from now on. I did it.

Once logged into Foursquare and aiming to check in it would launch Swarm and bring up the screen to let people know where you are and what you were up to. The screen looked alright to me as it had the means to snap a photograph and then share it over to Facebook or Twitter but the downside was it continually crashes on me. Let’s add to the fact that now you need two applications on your device to do part of one thing and part of the other thing and that makes no sense. These days, application space is more demanding and if I don’t need it on my devices then I don’t want it. I surely don’t want something as slow and unpredictable as this Swarm has been.

What do you readers think? Have you been using it at all? I am hating it.

If You Enjoy My “PiercingMetal Musings” Blog Then Read This Now!

It was a little over a month ago that I discussed some dramatic changes that were happening with my website – If you missed that note then click HERE for the quick refresher to bring you up to date. Then we can continue along.

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Click Me 🙂

New readers to and those who are also enjoying my music reporting forays might not know that for the past seven years I have also been presenting a side blog to my ardent supporters that took deeper steps into the music stuff and braved a whole lot of things that were deemed as related to our subject of focus. This blog was called “PiercingMetal Musings” and it serves our readership well and speaks to them as a fellow fan of a whole lot of different subjects. This little commercial is here to tell you to click the logo above so you can see the latest earth shattering development in the media world of – alright maybe its not entirely Earth shattering but since I just finished reading a pile of comic books my creative energies are a bit dramatic. Anyway, read that and I shall see you next time.