Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 2

Greetings my friends and welcome back to my continued documentation of the 2016 “Sweet Suite” event which was being held on the Cornucopia Majesty yacht as a part of the Blogger Bash conference.  This was my first time at this convention and my first chapter of this series can be examined on THIS LINK.  Please hit that before you continue along so you have a sense of fluidity.  Based on the age groups involved in so much of these product lines we’ve stockpiled our coverage here as opposed to posting on – In our previous chapter we had left off with the Hexbug folks so let’s continue along with them now shall we.

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider
Continue reading Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 2

Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 1

toy insider logo

Hello there my kind readers. So as some of you might know, I’ve been attending the American International Toy Fair convention for the past six years and generally all of that coverage has gone over to the website where I would focus on the superhero and monster movie geek stuff.  However, with that said I decided a couple of years ago to share additional event coverage on The Chronicles for the vendors and companies that didn’t fit within the context of my Metal and Pop Culture site.  Folks who are interested can click on THIS LINK to open a tag of said content.  All of this leads me to this event being discussed in the narrative before you which focuses on a brand new convention to my eyes called the “Sweet Suite”.

The “Sweet Suite” is considered to be THE BIGGEST NIGHT OF PLAY and comes care of the fine folks at Toy Insider.  This is connected to their “Blogger Bash” event which I shall discuss in a later post.  “Sweet Suite” was all about toys for a traditionally younger audience and instead of in your typical hotel or convention center would be on this beautiful boat called the Cornucopia Majesty.  I was excited because I had not been on a boat since a couple of years ago excursion with friends on the Circle Line and while this was going to be docked it was still cool.

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider

My media badge sported the PiercingMetal branding since I’m more known for that outlet than The Chronicles, but perhaps in time that will change and this one will be as loud a voice as my Music Media one.  Only time will answer that one.  As you can see the badge says “Blogger Bash” and I guess this is because the “Sweet Suite” is only a smaller portion of this two day conference.

sweet suite 2016, sweet suite, toy insider
Continue reading Checking Out “Sweet Suite” 2016; Chapter 1

Testing Eargasm’ High Fidelity Earplugs

Hello again my friends, I’m back with another product review piece and one that follows the trend of sharing my views on the assorted brands of earplugs that I’ve been using in the field. In my quest to help prevent your suffering any substantial hearing loss I’ve discussed the products from Flents and Etymotic and have found that each particular company serves a need. Recently, I got my hands on a pair of earplugs by the folks over at Eargasm so let’s get onto some quick opinion about them.  Here’s a quick photo of the pair of plugs and their sturdy carrying case.  As you can see its also a keychain if you should choose to use it that way.

earplugs, eargasm

This close of up the earplugs showcase their sleek design and as you can see they are a little larger towards the rear which prevents any extra sonic waves getting through to your ear canal.  When I first tried to get these in place I did have a little difficulty based on the larger base and think that my ear canals might be a tad smaller than this implement can work with.  It took a little doing but I did manage to get them on and they worked very well with the super loud Heavy Metal band that I was covering the show of.   According to what I read about this model, they reduce the level of sound by 21db.

earplugs, eargasm

Closing Thoughts: While these worked fine upon getting them in, I think that a slightly slimmer model will work better for me. They are easy to remove and can be placed back into their container which is aluminum and has a screw on top. The case did set a couple of security guys at the gate some concern as they wanted to see the contents to prove it wasn’t drugs. True story as you can never be too sure nowadays. Personally speaking, once I am done for the night I tend to keep the earplugs in the small plastic zip bag that they came in. Also, I wipe them off first to make sure they go away clean. Once I’m home I use lightly soaped warm water and let them air dry. Good maintenance of stuff like this lets it work for numerous uses and keep you healthy as well. Overall this is another solid choice to use but you should be aware that such protection will run you a few bucks. Once you purchase these you will want to keep them safe or risk spending far too much money replacing them out of careless behavior. The link below on will bring you to these type of plugs but with two pairs and a different casing. Don’t play games with your hearing especially if you go to a lot of loud events.

Official Website:

PiercingMetal Goes To Heroes & Villains Fan Fest 2016

This weekend, the Meadowlands Exposition Center played host to the “Heroes and Villains Fan Fest” and its the type of convention where fans of shows like “Arrow”, “The Flash” and “Legends Of Tomorrow” could meet the cast of players and get photo ops with them for a nominal fee. There are also scores of vendors and cosplayers wandering around and I would be one of the attending press at the event. My coverage of the time that we spent at the event can be found on my PiercingMetal website and you can check it out by clicking the graphic below.

Logo - Heroes and Villains Fan Fest

As usual the means to comment on this little signpost has been disabled but I welcome your topical thoughts on the collection of narratives over on the PiercingMetal site. See you over there 🙂

Official Website:

PiercingMetal Goes To “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” Exhibit

Yesterday I headed out to Flushing Queens to the Queens Museum because the “Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: Ramones and the Birth Of Punk” exhibit was still running and I didn’t want to miss my chance at seeing it. I grew up on the music of the Ramones and even used to play in a band that focused on their tunes a number of years ago. It’s not a bad ride but it is on the long side. You’ll need the “7” train from the city and you head to Mets/Willets Point then walk a half dozen blocks. While I like to present most of the museum stuff here on since this exhibit focused on the legendary Punk band I felt that it belonged here. Click the logo below to be transported to our narratives. There are three in total and a LOT of photographs. See you over there.

Logo - Ramones

The means to comment has been turned off for this post because I’m only using this as a signpost but you can leave topical thoughts on any of the narratives over on that might spark you to do so. I hope you like this one as it was a lot of fun to attend.